The whole process of bankruptcy services is not as simple as it may seem. There are several overhead costs involved. This includes administrative costs like mailing costs, court fees and other government set fees for filing. Nevertheless, once we get discharged of our entire debt burden we are ready to make a fresh financial start.
Personal Bankruptcy refers to when an individual surrenders everything they own to a trustee in bankruptcy, to eliminate and remove all of their debt. After filing for bankruptcy wage garnishments and collection calls will stop and we get a chance to start fresh by rebuilding our financial position. But our credit score gets affected greatly.
Filing for personal bankruptcy services differs slightly in each province and territory and the reasons given for filing for a personal bankruptcy are excessive credit card debt, loss of employment, medical expenses and divorce and individuals may be permitted to keep certain assets and assets exempted include clothing, mental and dental aids, furniture, appliances, family heirlooms, motor vehicles and some insurance.
I found Canadian Bankruptcy Services low-cost but non-lawyer alternatives that you may use to do your bankruptcy, other than the traditional lawyer-dominated filing system which is generally prohibitively expensive. Please visit them: